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Bel Aire Beautiful Blooms Bouquet


Looking for a feminine bouquet of lovely pink blooms, you've found it. Order our Beautiful Blooms Bouquet featuring soft gorgeous Hues of Pink. This artistic bouquet features swirling bear grass, gerbera daisies and an assortment of flowers guaranteed to please.


Medium/Most Popular

Premium for Celebrations


**Product appearance may vary depending upon availability in certain regions.**

Floral Modifications


  • Small - The floral arrangement is designed as shown in the picture.
  • Medium/Most Popular - The floral arrangement is designed as shown in the picture, upgraded with either more flowers or more expensive flowers than the "Small" product version.
  • Premium for Celebrations - The floral arrangement is designed as shown in the picture, upgraded with either more flowers or more expensive flowers than the "Medium" product version.

All orders are automatically processed as "Good" unless you decide to change the order to a "Better" or "Best" arrangement. You'll be given this option on our order form.

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